Führerscheinkontrolle mit dem eFührerschein, der am Smartphone hergezeigt werden kann. Mann sitzt im Auto, Polizist steht vor dem Auto und kontrolliert

ID Austria

The digital vehicle registration certificate is available!

icon AI regulation

The Artificial Intelligence Service Desk in the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR) serves as a point of contact and information hub for the general public on the topic of AI. It also supports the implementation of the European AI Act.

Mann sitzt vor Laptop. Text Digitale Dekade Der österreichische Weg.
icon Roadmap: Digital Decade

Austrian Roadmap

Austria has presented the roadmap with goals and measures until 2030.

Take a look inside!

icon ID Austria

ID Austria is the key to the convenient world of online services.


With electronic proof of identity, citizens can access official channels easily online, sign documents digitally and have their ID documents available at all times on their smartphone.

icon Digitalisation Report #3

Ready for the Future

Austria’s digitisation policy strengthens the country’s proximity to its citizens and its attractiveness as a business location: in the DESI, eGovernment Benchmark and eGovernment Monitor digital skills rankings, Austria made targeted progress in important areas during the reporting period of the Year 2022.

Mädchen arbeitet am digitalen Device. Im Bild noch die bunte Fahne von Digital Austria und der Text: Ready for the future
icon ID Austria

For maximum protection of your data, the App only shows your photo, the time of the last update and whether you have reached the required age. Your name and date of birth remain anonymous on your digital proof of age.

Eine Statuette in Plexiglas mit dem Schriftzug Staatspreis Digitalisierung
icon State Prize Digitalisierung 2023

Awards ceremony will be in May

This year, the State Prize Digitalisierung will be awarded in six categories.

The deadline for submissions was in December 2023.

These are the categories (in German according to the tender):

  • Digitale Transformation und Innovation
  • Digitale Kompetenzen, Aus- und Weiterbildung
  • Gesundheit, Ernährung und Fitness (e-Health)
  • Interaktion und Konnektivität
  • Generationen und Inklusion
  • Lifestyle, Jugend und e-Sports
icon Digital Skills

This is the declared aim of the "Digital Skills Austria" strategy. With around 350 measures, it aims to secure competitiveness and jobs, among other things, and make Austria more competitive through digitalization.

The core of the strategy developed is the "Digital Competence Package".

It aims to strengthen society's digital skills through targeted measures in strategic focus areas.