Digital Austria

Expanding and implementing online administrative services and making them easy to use are high priorities for the Austrian federal government.

Austria's public administration system is among the most advanced in the world. In the process of digitalisation, Austria is benefiting from having set its course early and then followed a consistent strategy. The E-Government Act is the centrepiece of Austrian e-government legislation and forms the basis for Digital Austria.

The "Digitales Amt" is an innovation that has already saved over two million citizens time by completing official procedures digitally. The “Digitales Amt” app has now been expanded to include a number of functions in accordance with the mobile-first approach set out in the Digital Austria Act. Together with the “eAusweise” app (only available with the ID Austria in full version), the digital driver’s license, the digital vehicle registration certificate and other devidences can be presented via smartphone.
The digital vehicle registration certificate
With the "eAusweise" app, citizens can now easily, securely and digitally show the registration certificate data of a motor vehicle registered in their own name in Austria on their smartphone.
Certificate service can now be used free of charge
The certificate service now makes it possible to order birth certificates, as well as extracts for names, marriages or registered partnerships, free of charge. Necessary is an ID Austria (with basic function) and that your own data is already recorded in the central civil status register (ZPR).
Entire residence reporting system digitized
In case of a change of residence, all possibilities of changing processes are now available digitally and easily.
New information
You are often in a certain life situation - be it training, marriage, the birth of your own child or even retirement. With the new information offering "Life Situations", all of necessary information are thematically prepared in an understandable way.
Digital services provided by Austrian public authorities
Certain official channels can be easily accessed online at or on the Digitales Amt (Digital Office) app. For businesses, the Business Service Portal (USP, is the main entry point for finding information or carrying out transactions from the user's own desk. The main e-government portal of the financial authorities, FinanzOnline, is available free of charge round the clock for dealing with tax returns and other enquiries. In some cases, certain applications for state funding can be made directly using the Transparency Portal. The ICT security portal ( offers detailed information about how to use the Internet and digital technologies safely. The website of the Austrian legal information system ( can be used, for example, to view national law, EU law (EUR-Lex) and case law from the highest courts, commissions and tribunals. and the Digitales Amt (Digital Office) app
Information and online administrative services for citizens: all in one place (one-stop-shop). can be used on a desktop computer or on the move on a smartphone using the Digitales Amt app. Downloadable from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, free to use.
Experience the future of public administration services by using online services to, for example, change your registered place of residence, apply for a voting card, subscribe to the passport reminder service, use Digital Babypoint, receive electronic mail from public authorities by electronic document delivery to My Mailbox, sign PDF documents, get started on the eAusweise (eID) app with a digital driving licence and, with the same login, use FinanzOnline and "Meine SV" (your account on the social security platform). With the Document Service, you can request documents quickly and easily from home.
If you have any questions, the chatbot Mona will be pleased to help. Some administrative services can only be used online if you have an active electronic identity (ID Austria).
The benefits at a glance:
- Everything from a single source: central access to all online administrative services
- Save time and money: no need to travel or queue any more
- Round the clock: information and official channels available any time, any place
- Data protection and security: personal data is securely managed and you login using your electronic identity
Business Service Portal (Unternehmensserviceportal, USP)
Corporate situations can be handled electronically in their entirety, such as
- Setting up a company online
- Changing the company's registered headquarters online
- Conveniently searching all the administrative agencies' calls to tender online
- Support for businesses, especially during their first year of operation
Millions of people use FinanzOnline, the internationally award-winning flagship of Austria's e-government. This important e-government portal for the financial authorities is available free of charge round the clock and requires no special software. Tax returns and other matters can be dealt with conveniently and at any time, from home or on the move.
Citizens over the age of 14 can use FinanzOnline with limited functionality (e.g. for income tax returns). When they reach 18, the full functionality automatically becomes available. FinanzOnline enables citizens and business owners to have online access to the financial authorities using their electronic identity. However, local authorities and other institutions as well as professional client representatives can also use the functions of FinanzOnline. Over two million clients are represented on FinanzOnline by third parties such as accountants, notaries, solicitors, bookkeepers and property administrators. There are several ways of signing up to FinanzOnline.
Transparency Portal
The Transparency Portal is an important element of the state's online financial support process and enables applications for benefits and subsidies to be processed directly through the portal and users to get an overview of the status of their application. Electronic ID is required in order to view your own data.
The portal enables the administrative agencies to check online whether the conditions for receiving benefits have been met, so that applications for benefits and subsidies can be assessed more quickly.
Transparenz über Förderungen bedeutet:
- More efficient use of resources to ensure that public funding is used appropriately
- Better oversight
- Better basis for decision-making when developing financial support strategies
Austrian ICT security portal -
The ICT security portal is an inter-ministerial initiative developed in cooperation with Austrian businesses and is intended to provide information to support both lay people and experts in developing, operating and using information and communication technologies safely.
Online advisers and self-assessment tests in the form of quizzes and checks, together with the information on, are there to offer guidance and a quick source of assistance in an emergency, with a list of contact details, hotlines and reporting centres.
ICT security portal statistics (as of 31.12.2022)
Analysis for the year 2022:
Visits to the site in 2022: 435,271 -> + 61.7% (compared with 2021)
Looking back at 2021: 269,136 visits-> - 17% (compared with 2020)
Searches by device type (top 4):
- 212,103 -> 48.7% desktop (2021: 154,194 -> 57.3%)
- 172,559 -> 39.6% smartphone (2021: 62,744 -> 23.3%)
- 38,304 -> 8.8% not attributable (2021: 44,068 -> 16.4%)
- 5,691 -> 1.3% tablet (2021: 6,545 -> 2.4%)
Legal Information System (RIS)
The website complies with accessibility guidelines (WAI-AA under WCAG 2.0). The RIS is a database and is used, for example, for publishing legally binding versions of the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) and Provincial Law Gazette (LGBl.), for publishing legal regulations that must be announced by law and for providing information about law in the Republic of Austria (for example in the consolidated version of federal or provincial law).
The origins of the RIS date back to 1983 and until June 1997 it could only be accessed by the public administration agencies, via their internal network.
Now it is available free of charge online to anyone who is interested and is also intended to help rationalise administrative and judicial processes and support decision-making.
Most RIS applications are provided in the context of Open Government Data.
Some applications as examples:
- Federal Law Gazettes, authentic versions since 2004
- Provincial Law Gazettes, authentic versions since 2014/2015
- Announcements from district administrative authorities
- Consolidated federal and provincial law, current and historic versions
- Draft bills and government bills
- Municipality law (partial) for some federal provinces
- Case law from the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Administrative Court and the judicial system
- Case law from the Federal Administrative Court and the nine provincial administrative courts
- Rulings from the Data Protection Authority, the Disciplinary Commissions and the Regulatory Authority for Staff Associations
Please address any enquiries about the Legal Information System (not requests for legal information) to:
Reporting Platform
The aim is to be able to visualise data sets and produce reports and dashboards. These are available at any time and from anywhere for managers and operational employees and can be used, among other things, in decision-making.
Thanks to the Reporting Platform, isolated platforms, each with their own reporting structures, are a thing of the past. On the platform, all relevant information is available centrally and can be downloaded to any end device, including mobile phones.
Anyone who is interested can see an extract from the relevant key statistics on the data dashboard.
Image video about the Reporting Platform
The purpose of is to serve as the central "Austria" catalogue, recording the metadata from decentralised public administration data catalogues in Austria and making it available to download.
Citizen Card – the Austrian services portal
These enable you to handle the administrative formalities online if you want to work in a different country in Europe.
You will also find the PSCs for the Austrian federal provinces on the website. Find out more on the website PSCs in Austria.