Broadband Strategy 2030

Progress and success can be measured by the number of Austrian households with gigabit connections and 5G. In the “Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)” the initiative contributes to the field “Connectivity”.

The “Broadband Strategy 2030” contributes to digital equal opportunities between cities and rural areas with targeted funding instruments.
Based on the Broadband Strategy 2030, the BMF provides appropriate funding instruments. The aim is to promote the availability of gigabit-capable access networks and the establishment of new gigabit connections, especially for public institutions and companies.
The first calls for proposals began in autumn 2021. The initiative is aimed at states, municipalities, public institutions, telecommunications operators and SMEs. Everyone benefits from the investments made.
More information under Connecting Innovation at FFG

The level of coverage with gigabit-capable connections is constantly increasing in Austria. 5G is already available in 58 percent of households. This puts Austria in third place in the top European rankings.

Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) published the broadband figures for the first quarter of 2023. Around 6 percent more data was consumed in fixed broadband and 15 percent more in mobile broadband than in the previous year.
Gigabit access increased
Gigabit access increased from 13 percent to 69 percent in 4 years
Whether in your professional life or in your private household – a fast and stable internet connection is indispensable these days. The previous investments in broadband expansion by the federal government and also by private providers are paying off, as around 69 percent of all Austrian households have access to gigabit-capable internet.
The reasons for the increased data consumption are usually the streaming of high-resolution videos, the increasing use of messenger services and the increasing number of applications on the Internet (Internet of Things).